student loans

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Conquering the Mountain: A Guide to Optometry Student Loan Repayment in the U.S.

Graduation day is a momentous occasion, a culmination of years of hard work and training has paid off and you are now stepping into the exciting world of eye care. But amidst the celebratory confetti, a quieter reality lurks: student loan debt. For most graduates, managing and repaying those loans will be a significant part […]

Conquering the Mountain: A Guide to Optometry Student Loan Repayment in the U.S. Read More »

How to help minimize your student loan debt in optometry school

There are not many topics that optometry students would care to discuss less than student loan debt. Aside from the few lucky ones who have a rich uncle to pick up their optometry school tab, student loans are a very real necessity of attending graduate school today and tuition rates are on the rise. But

How to help minimize your student loan debt in optometry school Read More »

13 Articles from our New Grad Financial and Business Journalist Ross Chatwin

Ross Chatwin, a new grad from the Southern College of Optometry class of 2014 and Financial and Business Content Journalist for OS, has contributed many great clinical pearls and articles with advice on everything from student loans to malpractice insurance over the last few years. We’d like to thank Ross for all his great work! Ross is

13 Articles from our New Grad Financial and Business Journalist Ross Chatwin Read More »

Thousands of Optometry Students End Hunger Strike Following Loan Disbursement

In an unsuccessful attempt to prove resilience and fortitude to financial aid departments nationwide, malnourished optometry students turned pseudo-political activists have ended their “Financial Aid Hunger Strike” instantly following their loan disbursements. “I was on a very healthy carrot and water diet. It was very cost effective and got the job done,” explained first year

Thousands of Optometry Students End Hunger Strike Following Loan Disbursement Read More »

Private Practice Optometry: Can I Afford to Do a Residency?

Optometry school can be defined by some students as a four year long financial torture. Living off student loans is no easy feat, and the thought of extending the torture for another year of a residency program seems almost impossible! Many optometry schools encourage their students to continue their education by applying for residency in

Private Practice Optometry: Can I Afford to Do a Residency? Read More »

You May Know All About Eyes…But What Do You Know About Student Loans?

 I have had the wonderful opportunity over the last 3 years to be a student ambassador at Southern College of Optometry. As a student ambassador at SCO I’ve had the opportunity give tours to students that are interviewed at the school. During these tours all prospective students get a presentation by our Director of Financial

You May Know All About Eyes…But What Do You Know About Student Loans? Read More »

Common Loan Types and Options for Optometry School

As a necessity for most students attending an optometric program, student loans are the dominant means by which students finance their optometric education. There are personal income sources, scholarships, and grants that students can utilize in paying for education, but most students will rely on loans as the primary method in paying for school and

Common Loan Types and Options for Optometry School Read More »

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