Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University

Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University

Salus University, named for a Latin word meaning health and well-being, is known for its primary care philosophy, holistic approach, and commitment to the development and success of its students. Established by the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Salus University is a fully accredited academic institution offering professional and graduate degree programs in Optometry, Audiology, Physician Assistant studies, Public Health and Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

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Managing Mental Health in Optometry School

It is no secret that optometry school is one of the most stressful times in many of our lives. Between balancing numerous courses, prepping for boards, clinic shifts, and other obligations, it is an extremely busy phase of life. Pushing through the responsibilities and challenges of school can certainly take a toll on the average […]

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5 Things I Learned During my First Month in Clinic

About two months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, my classmates and I started seeing patients at Salus University’s optometric clinic, The Eye Institute, located in Northern Philadelphia. Fresh out from completing all of our clinical skills courses, we were eager to start seeing patients and finally put our training to use. I tried to enter

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How to Live a Life Outside of Optometry School

When it comes to balancing a well-rounded lifestyle with the pressures of optometry school, it can sometimes feel like optometry school always outweighs everything else. Between clinic, classes, studying, and other school related responsibilities, it’s hard to find time to do the things that you enjoy outside of optometry. During my first semester of optometry

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Peer Mentoring Programs In Optometry School

Let’s be honest – starting optometry school is a scary experience. Orientation is overwhelming, meeting new people is stressful, and the first week of class is intimidating. Graduate/professional school is so much different from undergraduate studies. No matter how much you try to prepare for this experience, the questions still remain: How should you study for

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Your guide to 3+4 programs in optometry school

When it comes to attending optometry school, each student has their own unique journey that brings them to their university. Some students may decide upon a career in optometry very early on, perhaps in high school or in their first semesters of undergraduate school. If you are confident that your passion is in eye care,

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13 Articles from our New Grad Financial and Business Journalist Ross Chatwin

Ross Chatwin, a new grad from the Southern College of Optometry class of 2014 and Financial and Business Content Journalist for OS, has contributed many great clinical pearls and articles with advice on everything from student loans to malpractice insurance over the last few years. We’d like to thank Ross for all his great work! Ross is

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Optometry Scope of Practice & Legislation in North Carolina

Considering a career as an optometrist in the state of North Carolina? Below is a quick reference guide to becoming an optometrist in North Carolina as well as the current scope of practice. How to become an optometrist in North Carolina: Passing scores on NBEO Part I, II, and III as well as scores of

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Advice from My First Semester of Optometry School

Everyone has a different idea of what it takes to be successful in optometry school. Here are a few things that helped me have a successful first semester at PCO: 1. Get involved Try to participate in at least one extracurricular activity at school. There are so many opportunities available to you on campus. You

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Tips for Selecting Your Diagnostic Kit

I can’t believe how quickly the first semester of optometry school is flying by! At PCO, we’ve already had our white coat ceremony, purchased our trial lens sets, and survived our first round of midterms. Now it’s time for the first years to make another exciting (and expensive) purchase… diagnostic kits! The diagnostic kits include

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5 Skills 1st Year Students can Practice at a Vision Screening

Last weekend I was able to volunteer at my first vision screening with the Salus Christian Fellowship at an event called Hope-4-Philly. After only being in optometry school at PCO for about a month, I was very excited to have this opportunity. I was able to practice some of the skills that I’ve learned so

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