Author name: Scott M

Thousands of Optometry Students End Hunger Strike Following Loan Disbursement

In an unsuccessful attempt to prove resilience and fortitude to financial aid departments nationwide, malnourished optometry students turned pseudo-political activists have ended their “Financial Aid Hunger Strike” instantly following their loan disbursements. “I was on a very healthy carrot and water diet. It was very cost effective and got the job done,” explained first year […]

Thousands of Optometry Students End Hunger Strike Following Loan Disbursement Read More »

Lebron James: “If I Didn’t Play Basketball, I’d be an Optometrist”

This post is fictionalized satire. Names used in this post, unless those of public figures or entities, are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or entities is coincidental and unintentional. Unless a post specifically states that its contents are an actual recording of events,  any event described is fictional, and any resemblance to

Lebron James: “If I Didn’t Play Basketball, I’d be an Optometrist” Read More »

“Dua’s Layer” renamed “JustDua Layer” following Nike sponsorship

BEAVERTON, OR- In 2013,  Harminder Singh Dua’s research group discovered a 15 micrometer layer of the cornea that had been previously undetected. While the layer was going to be aptly named “Dua’s Layer” after the academic group’s leader, there was a slight change in the moniker. “I was approached by a businessman a few days

“Dua’s Layer” renamed “JustDua Layer” following Nike sponsorship Read More »

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