SUNY Optometry

InfantSEE – From an Optometry Student's Point of View

By: Clint Sugnet SUNY 2013 So you’re in optometry school. You’re juggling didactic material with clinical skills, textbooks and retinoscopes, all while managing life skills, and in the spare time, a social life. You’re trying to make your way through school to become the best clinician possible, reading the latest and greatest in optometric journals

InfantSEE – From an Optometry Student's Point of View Read More »

2nd Year of Optometry School… A Beautiful Thing

By: Matthew Geller – SUNY Optometry 2013 Warning: The article you are about to read is slightly exaggerated and was written to be comical representation, yet at the same time an authentic expression of the life of a 2nd year of optometry student. Strap on your white clinic coat because you are about to go

2nd Year of Optometry School… A Beautiful Thing Read More »

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