Author name: Olivia Burger

Hi there! My name is Olivia Burger and I am a second-year student at Salus University-Pennsylvania College of Optometry located in Philadelphia, PA. At my optometry school I am involved in my university’s Private Practice Club as well as SOSH (Students in Optometric Service to Humanity). Before starting optometry school, I was heavily involved in my undergraduate university’s student newspaper. I wrote a number of different articles about everything including music reviews, news stories, and opinion editorial pieces. During my first year of optometry school I started a blog where every month I would interview a current OD and share their story and helpful advice with other optometry students. In my free time I like to pursue my passion of concert photojournalism and writing by contributing to an online music publication based out of the Philly area. Basically I just really love to write and create content, whether it be about music, my life, or optometry. ended up being a great fit for me to further my optometric writing career and I’m excited to contribute to such a great resource for optometry students!

Managing Mental Health in Optometry School

It is no secret that optometry school is one of the most stressful times in many of our lives. Between balancing numerous courses, prepping for boards, clinic shifts, and other obligations, it is an extremely busy phase of life. Pushing through the responsibilities and challenges of school can certainly take a toll on the average […]

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5 Things I Learned During my First Month in Clinic

About two months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, my classmates and I started seeing patients at Salus University’s optometric clinic, The Eye Institute, located in Northern Philadelphia. Fresh out from completing all of our clinical skills courses, we were eager to start seeing patients and finally put our training to use. I tried to enter

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How to Live a Life Outside of Optometry School

When it comes to balancing a well-rounded lifestyle with the pressures of optometry school, it can sometimes feel like optometry school always outweighs everything else. Between clinic, classes, studying, and other school related responsibilities, it’s hard to find time to do the things that you enjoy outside of optometry. During my first semester of optometry

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Peer Mentoring Programs In Optometry School

Let’s be honest – starting optometry school is a scary experience. Orientation is overwhelming, meeting new people is stressful, and the first week of class is intimidating. Graduate/professional school is so much different from undergraduate studies. No matter how much you try to prepare for this experience, the questions still remain: How should you study for

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Your guide to 3+4 programs in optometry school

When it comes to attending optometry school, each student has their own unique journey that brings them to their university. Some students may decide upon a career in optometry very early on, perhaps in high school or in their first semesters of undergraduate school. If you are confident that your passion is in eye care,

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