What is Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation?

What is Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation?
Look to NORA to Find Out
By: Carl Garbus, O.D., FAAO

The Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association INTL (NORA) was established 20 years ago as an organization to bring together practitioners of all fields that help in the rehabilitation of the patient with traumatic brain injury, stroke or neurological deficits. NORA continues to promote a multidisciplinary approach to care and treatment.


Our organization has an annual conference in which we provide clinical training for optometrists, students and therapists and other health professionals who are involved in rehabilitation. On our NORA board Dr. Sarah Lane is in charge of the student program that we offer at or annual conference. We have 12 student scholarships for the conference. It is a great experience to learn about NORA and to interact with students and doctors. Our next conference is scheduled for April 18-22, 2012 in Memphis, TN.


NORA is open to students who would like to join the organization and we are developing student programs to encourage involvement. We have a student liaison from Western University College of optometry (3rd year). Her name is Margaret Chilingirian.


One of the wonderful benefits to working with patients with neurological deficits is the opportunity to work in hospital settings to provide rehabilitation services. Optometrists work together with occupational Therapists and physical Therapists. Each profession has something to offer to help the patient improve their functional skills of daily living.


Contact Information:

Carl Garbus, O.D.

NORA President

Visit the NORA website: www.nora.cc


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