The Vision Expo East Experience: In Our Words, Pictures and Video

Vision Expo East 2014
Vision Expo East 2014 was a fantastic experience! You guys really need to experience the massive scale of the Javits Center exhibit hall, go to the student party or different events and classes, to realize what an amazing weekend Vision Expo East is! We’ll try our best in this article, through pictures, a video and our first hand experience, to give you a feel for this amazing
international conference…hopefully we’ll see you there next year!

Jeannine Gutierrez, IAUPR 4th year, Chief of Private Practice Optometry:

As a two-time Vision Expo East attendee, I can honestly say it is the best trade show for both optometrists and students alike to have fun and expand your knowledge about the industry. People from all around the world share the same interests and education as you, making it easy to meet and connect with so many different people. It is never a dull moment at VEE because everywhere you turn there is a raffle prize, giveaways, fashion shows and even celebrities ready to take a photo with you! Nothing
Vision Expo East 2014
beats the energy of New York City, which is a perfect backdrop for the excitement of the trade show. I may have been converted to a life-time attendee!

Joan Browne, PUCO 4th year, Senior Ocular Disease Journalist

My experience at Vision Expo East was absolutely unreal. While I’ve been lucky enough to attend a few trade shows over the past year, never have I been to one that took up multiple floors at a venue as giant as Javits Center! The exhibitor booths were set up on different floors and spanned the entire scope of eye care – from the medical and scientific side, to the latest technological advances and frame lines, to companies aiming to help with the business of optometry. No area of optometry was left out, which offered an exciting reminder about the strength and scope of our profession.  On a more personal note, I was utterly blown away by all of the amazing students I met from all over the country. As future optometrists, we’re constantly fighting to elevate our profession and protect our rights. After meeting so many incredible students, I know that optometry will be in capable hands as we move forward!

Vision Expo East 2014Francis Liu, SUNY 4th year, Senior Contact Lens Journalist:

As a third year student at the time, Vision Expo East was a wake up call for me. I realized that I won’t be a student much longer, and will be an OD very soon. As I was perusing the optometric equipment, it dawned on me that I actually will have to choose some of them for my future practice! It puts in focus the need for a substantial investment…this is not a game anymore as we’ll need this equipment for our practice and to treat patients. However, it is very exciting to imagine working in an advanced, technological practice in the near future. I can’t wait to graduate!

Nicholai Perez, IAUPR 3rd year, Director of Media:

Going to Vision Expo East for the first time was such a rewarding experience. Not only was I able to see the new and up-coming technologies our profession has to offer, but I made connections with people whom I hope to keep in Vision Expo East 2014contact with during the course of my future career in the field. As a student, I was able to get a lot out of that weekend. I took part in the student workshops where I learned what to expect when I graduate from school. In addition, the evening festivities were not all bad either…ODs and students really know how to party!

Hunter Chapman, SCO 3rd year, Director of Optometry School Relations:

​Once again, VEE did NOT disappoint. Whether it was the interesting CE courses, the vast amount of exhibits, the fun student parties, or just New York City in general, I’m always so grateful for attending and sad to leave. There are countless opportunities to meet with other students and ODs and to reunite with colleagues…you’ll definitely forgo sleep to make sure to enjoy the entire VEE experience!

Thanks to everyone who came by the booth and participated in our Instagram video contest too, we had a blast hanging out at the show and at all the events and parties! Check out this awesome compilation video made by students at VEE:








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