Author name: Francis Liu

I am currently a 4th year student a SUNY College of Optometry in New York. I particularly enjoy vision screenings at schools and homeless shelters (The Bowery Mission). I am looking forward to our Mission trip in Mexico in August 2014 along with 19 other students. As the ex president of FCO (Fellowship of Christian Optometrists) I am very proud of our group!

Dr. M Rosenfield Interview Part 2: His View On Being An Optometrist

Dr Rosenfield is a professor at SUNY Optometry who teaches OTP (Optometric Theory and Procedures) I and II, taught during the fall and spring semesters of 1st year respectively. These courses lay the foundation for all classes as they cover refraction, accommodation, binocularity and other critical aspects of optometry. Dr Rosenfield not only teaches, but […]

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Dr. Rosenfield Interview, Part 1: Amazing SUNY Professor and Author

Dr Rosenfield is a professor at SUNY Optometry who teaches OTP (Optometric Theory and Procedures) I and II, taught during the fall and spring semesters of 1st year respectively. These courses lay the foundation for all classes as they cover refraction, accommodation, binocularity and other critical aspects of optometry. Dr Rosenfield not only teaches, but

Dr. Rosenfield Interview, Part 1: Amazing SUNY Professor and Author Read More »

The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Working with Patients of Different Cultures

At the heart of New York City, the SUNY College of Optometry – University Eye Center welcomes many minority patients such as African Americans, Hispanics and Asians. As a member of SUNY’s Class of 2015, exposure to such a culturally diverse patient base is truly a blessing. As a physician, the optometrist needs to learn

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