slit lamp

Going Retro: A Guide to Retroillumination

Retroillumination   Retroillumination from the fundus is a quick and easy way to examine the lens, iris, and cornea. The red reflex, the reflection of light off the back of the eye, can be used to highlight opacities in the cornea or lens, and defects in the iris. This article will outline the technique, offer […]

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Demodex Blepharitis: A Mite-y Fine Problem

Your body, including your eyelids, is covered by mites.   On average, the human body is covered with millions of mites at any given time. Some scientists believe these mites live in symbiosis with humans, surviving off the dead skin cells that we slough off. Others believe the relationship is more commensalistic, where a mite

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Try Before You Buy – A Comparison of Ocular Health Assessment Lenses

  In optometry school, we are often required to purchase our equipment well in advance of being taught how to properly use it. Sure, schools host equipment fairs so that students can meet the company reps, learn about the products, and “try it out.” But often, we aren’t really sure what we’re doing yet. Kind

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The Rotations Experience – SIR, YES, SIR June 6, 2014

The Rotations Experience Dear Diary, Fourth year clinical rotations are the pinnacle of optometry school that all students are anxious for. It’s a time of freedom, learning, and exposure to parts of optometry you may never see in the school clinic. Or is it? My name is Lawrence Yu, and I just started my clinical

The Rotations Experience – SIR, YES, SIR June 6, 2014 Read More »

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