optometry school

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Conquering the Mountain: A Guide to Optometry Student Loan Repayment in the U.S.

Graduation day is a momentous occasion, a culmination of years of hard work and training has paid off and you are now stepping into the exciting world of eye care. But amidst the celebratory confetti, a quieter reality lurks: student loan debt. For most graduates, managing and repaying those loans will be a significant part […]

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Managing Mental Health in Optometry School

It is no secret that optometry school is one of the most stressful times in many of our lives. Between balancing numerous courses, prepping for boards, clinic shifts, and other obligations, it is an extremely busy phase of life. Pushing through the responsibilities and challenges of school can certainly take a toll on the average

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Welcome to Virtual Optometry School

The first semester of optometry school should be a memorable experience. You meet the friends you will have for life, receive your white coat (depending on your school), choose your optometric instruments, explore your passions, and much more. But with a global pandemic and state regulations, all of that has been canceled and moved online.

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Making Time for Mental Health

“Sometimes self care is exercise and eating right. Sometimes it’s spending time with loved ones or taking a nap. And sometimes it’s watching an entire season of TV in one weekend while you lounge in your pajamas. Whatever soothes your soul.” – Nanea Hoffman Optometry school uses up a lot of time. Juggling courses, practicing

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A COVID-19 Curriculum: The Real Education

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’re an optometry student navigating through a transition to online learning and you don’t need to be told that COVID-19 has been a disruptive force. Suffice it to say, 2020 is taking on a whole new learning curve. This year we are learning not just about optometry,

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5 Things I Learned During my First Month in Clinic

About two months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, my classmates and I started seeing patients at Salus University’s optometric clinic, The Eye Institute, located in Northern Philadelphia. Fresh out from completing all of our clinical skills courses, we were eager to start seeing patients and finally put our training to use. I tried to enter

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COVID-19 changed my optometry school experience

How can a virus, that I did not contract, change my optometry school experience? When the world started talking about COVID-19, I really did not think anything of it. I went about my day, went to my classes, studied, practiced, worked, and socialized. It was not until schools around the nation started a discussion about

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