2 New Website Features

We are happy to introduce two new features to OptometryStudents.com. We have come a long way since the start of the site and have worked very hard to develop these new tools to help out all the Optometry students out there.

The two new tools we call..

OptometryStudents.com – Quick News
OptometryStudents.com – Clinical Pearls

The Quick News is a tool that you can now use to find the most up-to-date news going on in the profession. We filter all the hottest topics out there and bring to you only the topics relevant to student life. Want to join the student writers to help create news? We could use your help to cover some of these stories!

The Clinical Pearls is a tool that ANYONE can contribute to! This is a community driven tool and we hope that you can submit your own pearl. Use this tool to post and read clinical pearls of wisdom that you learned as an optometry student or O.D. A “pearl of wisdom” is any short piece of clinical knowledge that you believe will help out other optometry students during school and in clinic. Some examples are treatment, diagnosis, test procedures, helpful shortcuts, and important numbers to remember or even acronyms to aid in memorization!

We hope that these new features make your experience on OptometryStudents.com that much more valuable.

Remember our goal is to be your #1 resource for optometry school life. You just can’t learn EVERYTHING in optometry school as so we are here to provide you with the most important information to help you succeed!

Spread the word.

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