Author name: James Deom

Hello fellow Optometry Students! It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself to you all. I am currently a 3rd student at The Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. I attended Wilkes University undergrad and majored in Biology. In my free time I enjoy swimming, biking, and running---and have been known to throw them all together by partaking in my favorite pastime--Triathlon. This past year I was able to achieve one of my all time goals of completing a full ironman in Lake Placid NY and am slated for my 2nd this August in Mont Tremblant Quebec. I am also very honored and privileged to serve the 6,000 + student doctors at all of the colleges of optometry as your American Optometric Student Association President. If you have any questions about AOSA, AOA, or any other organized facet of optometry please ask! Get involved and stay involved, our profession depends on it!

Call to Action for Those Interested in National Leadership Opportunities! Become a National Liaison for one of the AOSA’s Allied Organizations.

I would like to formally invite you all to consider a unique opportunity during your time as an optometry student. This opportunity will allow you to gain an invaluable education in leadership as a National Liaison to one of the American Optometric Student Association’s Allied Organizations. As a National Liaison you will act as a […]

Call to Action for Those Interested in National Leadership Opportunities! Become a National Liaison for one of the AOSA’s Allied Organizations. Read More »

Report of Student Activity in AOA PAC and AOA Advocacy

James Deom, AOSA Trustee PCO and AOSA National Liaison to AOA PAC 2012 has been a record setting and historical year for the AOA.  The Affordable Care Act will potentially add millions of uninsured Americans into the mix to receive vital healthcare services they may have otherwise gone without. . Many who would undoubtedly benefit

Report of Student Activity in AOA PAC and AOA Advocacy Read More »

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