The Profession of Optometry – A Short Film

Nearly 700 Optometrists and optometry students stormed Capitol Hill on April 3rd, 2012 all attending to support their profession. I was one of these students and I am proud to say that know my voice made a difference. We talked with those who mold America and the world; the legislators of the U.S government. Last year I attended this conference when only 147 students attended, and I am proud that this year we easily doubled that number with 300 optometry students representing representing optometry.

What did we fight for? – Click each bill to find out more about it – HR 1219 – HR 1195

I went and I filmed… I filmed the entire weekend capturing the gut feelings of students and optometrists. I asked these people why they came to Washington DC to lobby and I asked them why they support their profession. The answers I got were astounding all captured and edited down to the 5 minute video you are about to watch.

Optometry is powerful, when students and optometrists unite we can do great things. For those students not involved in some way or another, we greet you with open arms to join us.

The 5 minute short film you are about watch features some of the biggest names in organized optometry and it looks deep into the hearts and minds of optometrists and optometry students.

– Matthew Geller; Founder


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