An Introduction to the OAT (video)

The IDEA Initiative at SUNY Optometry asked me to participate in an interview that would ‘reveal’ the OAT. In other words, provide insight on what it consists of, and tips on how to perform well on it. I found this opportunity to be great because as a first year optometry student recently taking the OAT myself, I felt that it would be rewarding to provide future/prospective students with an upper arm on the exam that will play such an important determining factor on admission into an optometry school.

The first part of the interview consisted of me providing helpful study and preparation tips leading up to the exam. This included everything from driving more attention to certain material such as biology/sciences, to redefining your own definition of studying to one that is probably more intensive than your current one. The latter part of the interview consisted of me breaking down the actual exam into seven different sections. For each section, not only do I provide insight on what it consists of, but also helpful tips on what to look out for. Hopefully this video will prove itself to be a great resource for students. Best of luck!

Barbara Mendoza
Class of 2016
SUNY Optometry


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