
Lessons Learned During My First Day at The Eye Center at SCO

This morning was my first day in The Eye Center at the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis. At SCO, second year students shadow third and fourth year students to learn about procedures and get more clinical experience before we’re on our own with patients. I was in Low Vision, where I shadowed for three […]

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June 2013 Optometry Student in Focus, Tina Grosshans

Entering her fourth year at Southern College of Optometry, Christina “Tina” Grosshans will undoubtedly excel in her final year of optometry school. She served SCO as president of SVOSH for the 2012-2013 academic year, which is how I came to know her, as we both just returned from our SVOSH trip to Belize last month.

June 2013 Optometry Student in Focus, Tina Grosshans Read More »

Southern College of Optometry Provides Over $1 Million in Uncompensated Healthcare

Southern College of Optometry (SCO) recently announced it provided $1,043,530 in uncompensated optometric care to the Memphis, Tenn., community during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The school distributed its services through outreach programs with the optometry school and its Eye Center. Though the majority of patients received attention at the Eye Center, other services were provided through vision

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