Modes Of Practice

Optometry’s Place within Hospitals

As we consider our careers in optometry after graduation, one modality of practice that often gets overlooked is that within hospitals. The 2006 AOA scope of practice survey showed that 11% of ODs have hospital privileges. The question becomes what can you as the optometrist do in a hospital setting? There are various roles for […]

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First Year In Practice– Choosing Your Ideal Optometric Setting

Part III of V By Dr. Paul Heeg Okay, you’re a third or fourth year optometry student and you see a ton of choices in front of you… you may ask: where to go from here? My advice would be not to get intimidated from all the choices, there certainly are quite a few!  Research

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Optometry: Modes Of Practice

What can I do as an Optometrist? That answer is actually quite complex. There are many opportunities available to Optometrists that extend far beyond what most students are familiar with which often includes private practice and retail settings. As the scope of Optometry continues to grow, so do the types of careers Optometrists can choose

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