
Going Retro: A Guide to Retroillumination

Retroillumination   Retroillumination from the fundus is a quick and easy way to examine the lens, iris, and cornea. The red reflex, the reflection of light off the back of the eye, can be used to highlight opacities in the cornea or lens, and defects in the iris. This article will outline the technique, offer […]

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Demodex Blepharitis: A Mite-y Fine Problem

Your body, including your eyelids, is covered by mites.   On average, the human body is covered with millions of mites at any given time. Some scientists believe these mites live in symbiosis with humans, surviving off the dead skin cells that we slough off. Others believe the relationship is more commensalistic, where a mite

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4th Year Optometry Student Case Report Award by Alcon: $1,000 & $5,000

4th Year Optometry Student 2013 Case Report Award All 4th year optometry students are eligible for the 2013 Case Report Award. In order to qualify, the 4th year student must write a Case Report involving any of the subject matters listed below: Contact Lenses and Lens Care Ocular Surface Disease / Dry Eye Anti-Allergy Glaucoma

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A List of Clinical Diagnosis Made By SUNY 2013 Class

By: Antonio Chirumbolo SUNY 2013 The class of 2013 has reached the midpoint of 3rd year (when this article was written). As we have spent more time treating patients on our own now, we certainly have begun to improve our skills and knowledge as clinicians. Spending time in primary care clinic, as well as various

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BRVO – A Case Review

By: Antonio Chirumbolo; Content Coordinator, SUNY 2013 Retinal vein occlusion is the second most prevalent retinal vascular disease, only second to diabetes. Branch Retinal vein occlusions are three to four times more prevalent than central retinal vein occlusions. There is a strong association of RVO with systemic disease and several risk factors include HTN,

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Traumatic Cataracts / Rosette Cataracts

Case Presentation By: Yuliya Bababekova SUNY 2013 59-year-old black female presents for follow up of trauma OD at age 9.  Pt reports being hit in the right eye with a rock.  History regarding the trauma is very vague and nonspecific; pt recalls losing vision and was told she must be followed yearly to monitor ”possible

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