Texas Optometric Association Works To Achieve Legislative Victory

August 15th 2011 – The Texas Optometric Association deserves a pat on the back for a very important bill that was passed recently. Lately we have seen may bills passed that help the scope of practice for optometry, yet this bill helps optometrists in the area of vision and medical insurance.

You can find out more about this topic on ODwire.

“The relevant text if found in Article 12, towards the bottom of the lengthy bill. 

Medical insurers operating in Texas are now forbidden from requiring that optometrists accept the terms and conditions of any specific vision plan in order to join or remain on the company’s medical plans.

This bill will allow optometrists to make decisions about the relative merits of signing up with medical plans and vision plans, independently. We all have different and unique practices, making the ability to have independent judgement of plans by optometrists crucial to meeting the needs of the patients they treat in their respective communities and the needs of their particular practice situation.

This law also prevents insurance companies from attempting to devise methods of coercive optometrist control through unscrupulous contracting methods.”

“Thomas A. Lucas, Jr., O.D.
Texas Optometric Association
Board of Directors”

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