New Mobile App by Jobson Internet Solutions – Patients can virtually try on glasses

July 17th 2011 – There’s an App for that!

A new App developed by Jobson Internet Solutions will allow people to virtually try-on different eyeglasses and sunglasses of various styles from a range of top designers. The App called EyeTrends, available on iPhone and iPad, will allow users to search for eyewear, try-on, and find locations (retailers and eye-care professionals) to purchase that eyewear, all while receiving savings in the forms of discounts and coupons. The App works by utilizing the camera function on the aforementioned devices. Users can take pictures of themselves and then select a picture of a frame within the app to virtually envision what he/she may look like wearing that particular eyewear.

The app is currently available on iTunes and an Android version of the App will be available later this month.

So when you are working in the dispensary at your optometry school or at an optometry practice, give this tip to your patients! You will make their lives easier and will help you become their “go-to” optometrist!

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