Davis Vision’s Focus on America – Hats off to the Mets and Pirates!

September 9th 2011 – The New York Mets and the Pittsburgh Pirates have hit a grandslam for underserved children, as they have partnered with Davis Vision’s Focus on America outreach program for the past four years. The partnership has hosted free vision screenings for underserved children while providing a day of fun and enjoyment for all. In addition to vision screenings, the participants received giveaways, free game tickets, books, sunglasses, and to those requiring extra care, a voucher for a free comprehensive eye exam and glasses from Davis Vision retail stores in New York, and Visionworks and Total Vision Care stores in Pittsburgh. Early intervention and prevention of visual and ocular abnormalities can make a huge difference in children as they learn and develop.  Hats off to all parties involved for making difference.

-Antonio Chirumbolo
SUNY Optometry 2013

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