Author name: Keylee

I am enjoying the life of an optometry student on an island. I am a Trustee for the AOSA and enjoy helping students learn more about the opportunities to get involved and give back that are with in our profession. I hope to after school do a residency maybe in ocular disease or vision therapy/rehabilitation and then eventually own my own practice. In the meantime I enjoy helping others learning about our great profession and I look forward to the rewarding future it has to hold. Find Keylee on Google+.

April 2013 Optometry Student in Focus

Naomi Chun is a first year at NOVA Southeastern University College of Optometry. Her current claim to fame comes from a creative comedy Tumblr blog,, that shines a humorous light on moments in an optometry student’s life. She was born and raised in Charlotte, NC and attended college at the University of North Carolina at […]

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